You MUST use either PlaceholderAPI or MVdWPlaceholderAPI* for these placeholders to work.
PlaceholderAPI format example: %flightcontrol_tempfly_short%
MVdW format example: {flightcontrol_tempfly_short}
*Note: MVdWPlaceholderAPI only works if you have one of their premium plugins bought,
so use PlaceholderAPI if you have not already purchased one of MVdW's plugins.
Join the Discord if you need help.
flightcontrol_tempfly_short | Returns the duration of tempfly left in shortened format (e.g. 4m 3s) |
flightcontrol_tempfly_long | Returns the duration of tempfly left in normal format (e.g. 4 minutes, 3 seconds) |
flightcontrol_tempfly_s | Returns the duration of tempfly left in seconds |
flightcontrol_tempfly_m | Returns the duration of tempfly left in minutes |
flightcontrol_tempfly_h | Returns the duration of tempfly left in hours |
flightcontrol_tempfly_d | Returns the duration of tempfly left in days |
flightcontrol_flying | Returns if a player is flying as a boolean ("true" or "false") |